Admit it, you’ve got to admire someone who, whilst writing in the sand, takes the time to correctly punctuate ‘ere. Thanks Lorraine. Today, looking at my website, I feel a bit like that statement – I woz ‘ere! Two months ago, almost to the day, I knew zero about how to create a website. Now here we are, a very short time later and I have learnt so much about how to do it. As always, it was a combination of YouTube, perseverance, knowing how to work the undo function and, never forgetting, the ‘Google is your friend’ element.
I have to admit that, say it as shouldn’t, I’m really proud of what I have created. I only have one page left to write – albeit some might say the most important one – and then I can officially launch it, start bunging in oodles of keywords and start a campaign to get folk to look at the site. I’ve tried to make it interesting and user friendly and not just another boring website, so I do hope that I have achieved my aim. I haven’t as yet set up my Pinterest or Twitter accounts, as you will have discovered if you have tried to follow the links. But my Facebook page is set up, in embryo form at least, so if you have any comments on the website I’d love to hear them.
I just need to warn folk that have visited my site before: because I change stuff pretty much every day, if you visit a page you have visited before, YOU HAVE TO REFRESH IT otherwise you will get the old page, not the new version.