Steep learning curve
Well, here we are with my first ever blog post. I’ve been spending a lot of time lately getting my website up and running and it has been a very steep learning curve! I’m really proud of what i have achieved with it, given that I had absolutely no knowledge of how to create a website beforehand, and I am forever indebted to Tyler Moore’s YouTube ‘how to do it’ videos. I looked at loads of videos. articles and books, and had come to the conclusion that I was just stupid, when I found his videos. If you are struggling to set up a website, I really recommend Tyler’s stuff.
If you’ve been looking at my website – and thank you if you have – you will have noticed the photographs I have used on each page. These are all taken by myself, because that makes the copyright issues *so* much easier. They are all from the Isle of Man, which is where I live and the picture attached to this post was taken a couple of years ago when the local hospice did a fundraising campaign involving wallabies. This one has a very strange editor perched on it. Unless you know the IOM, you probably don’t know that there are wallabies living in the wild here. They escaped from the Wildlife Park several years ago and there’s now a colony of them. The campaign with the wallabies was so successful for the hospice that it has been repeated this year with dolphins. There’s an app where you register sightings of them I’ve ‘collected’ about one third of the 75 so far. Real dolphins can often be seen off the coast of the Island.