Are you feeling despondent because you can’t get any interest in your novel/writing? Don’t despair. Keep on trying. One of my authors was unable to get any interest in her first novel and was even told by an agent that her work would never be successful because “This kind of book is past its sell-by date”. After a period of trying to pick herself up off the floor, she decided that she would go ‘indie’ and self-publish via Kindle. That was seven years ago and she is now a more successful writer than she had ever dreamed she could be; with 14 published books and a large number of readers and followers. She’s now gone into paperback too, still through Amazon. So the moral of the story is: never give up. Make sure your work is as good as you can make it and invest in an Editor to help you reach your full potential. It really is worth it and we’re not all horrendously expensive or scary. I derive so much pleasure from helping authors to gain their dreams; it’s wonderful to be a small part of that success. If you can get an agent, or a publisher, fantastic. If not, self-publishing has never been easier or more successful. If you want it enough, and work for it, you will achieve it.